Poetry Archive

foster auntie mommy knows

tonight your hand had to be on my cheek
after laying in front
laying beside
climbing over and laying behind

it’s been hard for you to sleep

your little mind
your little heart
your little face
straining sometimes
draining sometimes
lighting up
and cracking open
in a blink

tomorrow you go to school
a new grade
a new teacher
a new chance
to be proud and loud
as we live through this 
hard and wondrous time

Image by Katerina Holmes

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Filed under: Poetry Archive


margaux delotte-bennett is a Washington, DC based poet, adoptive mama and licensed social work educator. Born to Jamaican immigrant parents, she grew up in Queens, NY. Movement and storytelling are her first loves and she has created solo work as well as collaborative pieces over the last 20 years. margaux often links her art with community engagement and activism. She is also a traveler who has visited, lived and worked in a number of different countries. margaux was a founding member of Wild Women Theatre, a DC based theater company made up of black women exploring multiple dimensions of womanhood through storytelling, movement, poetry and song. She has been published online and in print, most recently in Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Re-Imagining Gender in Wakanda (2019).

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