Dear readers,
Thank you so much for joining us!
This year is the first time I’ve had a full staff (there are still a few positions available if you’re interested) and I’ve learned a lot in terms of delegating and managing expectations. Luckily, those expectations have been surpassed. I’m really proud of the quality of work we’ve always published, but especially in the past few months. Sharing our stories is one of the biggest and simplest reasons for Raising Mothers existence and seeing readers connect on a deeper level is meaningful. This space will get to live on and these stories are now a part of collective resistance to oppression. It’s a full expression of who we are, inside and outside of parenthood.
What we’ve launched so far this year:
Mother Mail is a monthly postcard swap that we host. You join at the $6 or $12 level (Use this link and change it to € if you are in Europe) and you are sent addresses of participants every month for 6 or 12 months. This helps to connect our community in a real way and also raises funds for the site. Win win!
We are working hard to reach our first financial goal before summer. You can help us achieve this goal by becoming a patron of the arts via our Patreon campaign. While we would love an ongoing relationship with our donors, we know that isn’t always feasible. In that case, you are welcome to give via PayPal (write in the note).
Our very first writing competition is currently underway. Click on the photo to learn more. Send in your best work! The prize is $100 and an interview with a Senior Editor.
Fill out our Spring Survey!
We’ve created this survey so we can better meet the needs of our readers and gage what your interests are. We want to deepen the sense of community here and your input is a vital step in that. Please take a few minutes to sit and fill out this survey. The last time we had a survey was 3 years ago. Plenty has changed since then. We want to step into our 4th year (!!) working at our best. Your answers will help steer the next 12-18 months. NO PRESSURE!
Thank you all for reading this site. For participating on Facebook and Instagram. For signing up for our challenges in the past and our card swaps today. Thank you to our one time and sustaining supporters. Each of you help to make us more visible each day. This is important work.
To more great days and months and years to come,
Sherisa de Groot
Founding Editor, Raising Mothers
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