Time’s hard I go back to the toaster my bread’s still too white I come back still too I don’t want it like that soggy, white, come back It’s burnt Open the door only for a second or whatever just enough for me to get out and in and stay here a place I fooled myself into calling home a place here for only a second I open& gentle& polite& harmless. and like a big bang a billion mosquitos come in and Bite me Like that I overstayed here it went by so quickly over stayed vis-a-vis a person in the mirror her face soggy and toast hard to tell the difference really from the day before I here for so long so polite the whole time some see the face of Jesus on their bread Time’s hard, I had a baby and everything here and he walks and talks American come back he’s grown and gone someplace here or who knows where we’ll all be by then times pass ports flint sparks over -stayed a fool went by so quickly
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